BlogReflections on liturgical youth ministry as well as some practical ideas for how to start and run a ministry for young people in your church.
Sacred Reading at Youth Group
Luke Johnson | September 24, 2019
Thank you, Anglican Foundation of Canada!
Luke Johnson | June 11, 2018
We're grateful to the Anglican Foundation of Canada for supporting GetLiturgized for a third year!
The Family of Jesus (homily)
Luke Johnson | June 11, 2018
They can smell care under layers of nerd
Luke Johnson | October 22, 2017
Sometimes growing means getting out of the way
Luke Johnson | October 13, 2016
The privilege of taking part in the journey
Luke Johnson | October 7, 2016
It's summer! Time to take stock and take a break!
Luke Johnson | July 9, 2016
We run together
Luke Johnson | July 1, 2016
Exciting days ahead for GetLiturgized!
Luke Johnson | July 8, 2016
Revelation 12 Christmas Carol
Luke Johnson | December 1, 2015
This is a 'Christmas carol' taken from Revelation 12, set to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (key of A). I wrote this for my youth group, since we are reading through Revelation this year, and made it to chapter 12 just in time for Advent.
Sustainable Ministry is Collegial Ministry
Luke Johnson | November 4, 2015
"A place where you feel belonged"
Luke Johnson | October 21, 2015
Liturgical Youth Ministry: Philosophy of Ministry
Luke Johnson | August 26, 2015
This is my philosophy of youth ministry, which articulates the theological approach and the practical shape of the ministry. This ministry is conducted in an Anglican parish context, but I think that much of what I put forward here can be applied to other settings as well.
Youth ministry is like throwing starfish back into the sea
Luke Johnson | August 23, 2015
Jesus is alive - and why that matters for youth ministry
Luke Johnson | December 1, 2014
Liturgical Youth Ministry: Living and Teaching the Christian Year
Luke Johnson | October 5, 2014
Rowan Williams Promoting the Jesus Prayer as Answer to Modern Angst (repost)
Repost | July 19, 2014
(From the Orthodox Christian Network)
This group is like a crazy family!'
Luke Johnson | March 3, 2014
What I've learned after two years as a youth minister
Luke Johnson | June 18, 2014