6:00 - Arrival, hangout time, snacks

Informal time to chat and mingle and enjoy some snacks together. This time is practially useful, as it allows everybody to arrive before structured things begin.

6:15 - Welcome

Start off the night with an official "Welcome to youth group!", a short prayer to dedicate your time, and a mixer to get everyone out of their seats and interacting.

6:25 - Group Activity

An active game focused on memorizing a piece of scripture, or interact with the night's topic in some active and creative way. See the "Activities" section for a few ideas, or Ken Moser's Creative Christian Ideas book for an enormous selection of easy-to-run activities.

6:50 - Study (Small Groups)

Small group Bible study. This is where the "meat" of the night takes place. A close, conversational reading of scripture and time to pray for each other in a smaller, more intimate setting. See some GetLiturgized "Studies".

7:35 - Compline

Music, corporate prayer, a chance for bringing things together for the night, and an opportunity to give last announcements. Download Complines

8:00 - End